Presidential Bloopers
The program is funny but I wasn't exactly cracking up through the whole thing. Some of the footage is priceless like Bush Sr. going down in that bowling alley, Dukakis falling off the platform and everything from Dan Quayle. I was really hoping for more of the video of Clinton and Yeltsin laughing uncontrollably. It appeared in the opening credits for about 2 seconds. It's advertised on the back of the case for cryin out loud! Some of the footage isn't funny at all. It's been awhile since I've seen any bloopers video so I completely forgot about the stupid and annoying sound effects they add in. The technical aspects of the program and DVD are the real let-downs of this. The volume level of the audio isn't constant and I found myself turning the volume up and down throughout the whole thing. The video source they used is a dark print, making me almost squint through some of it. Disappointing it's less than 40 min. They could have CERTAINLY included an extra feature with bloopers from Dubya (this video was originally made in '99). They could do a whole program on him alone. Or just a review of his presidency, the biggest presidential blooper of all time.
Customer Review: Extremely Funny
I didn't expect to like it as much as I do. Like every other reviewer says, from Ike to Clinton, both verbal and physical. Presidential contenders also make the cut, so we get Dole, Gore, Quayle, McCain, and Jesse Jackson. It'd be a shame not to get Quayle, wouldn't it? First ladies too, so we can Nancy fall down again and again, and Bess Truman steals the show. Why only three stars? Because it's only 45 minutes long.
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