Monday, 5 October 2009

Waking Walt

Waking Walt
WAKING WALT is a spellbinding take on one of America’s most enduring urban legends. Could it be true; Walt Disney was never cremated and buried at Forest Lawn as the official story goes? Imagine that, for nearly 40 years, the great entertainment genius has been in cryonic suspension, waiting to return when a cure for his lung cancer is found. Now, an experimental drug being tested looks like the answer. The waiting is almost over.

Then, disaster strikes!

In a déjà vu nightmare for The Disney Company, a ruthless corporate raider launches a takeover attempt, planning to sell off the company’s assets to the highest bidders. And this time there are no white knights in Disney’s corner.

But the Circle is still there, the small group of confidants who helped Walt escape death and who have been guarding him and his secret ever since. Even though they’re all old men now, they’re not about to let Walt’s company be torn apart without a fight. And they know just who can lead them. However, as they scurry to wake him, the Circle discovers there are powerful forces that want the dead to stay dead. But they don’t know Walt Disney!
Customer Review: Waking Walt will keep you awake at night
I had the pleasure of reading Waking Walt recently. I was not familiar with the Disney legend that Walt was cryogenically frozen. I am also not a Disney theme park fan. Yet, Larry Pontius's book kept me riveted to the pages and caused a few very sleepy days at work. It is a well-paced detective style thriller. Characters are well-developed. Walt was represented as a crusty,impatient man who people loved because of his genius and in spite of his flaws. This book would make a great summer read. It is a true page-turner.
Customer Review: reality and creativity
We all have heard stories of Walt Disney being cryopreserved, but wait for this story. It takes that premise and grows into a fast paced mystery/adventure. You get the feeling that Larry knows Walt and knows the inside scoop. It definitely is an enjoyable read.

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