Thursday 15 January 2009

Classic Kung-Fu Fighting Movies - Bruce Lee: Fist Of Fear, Touch Of Death / Fists Of Bruce Lee / Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave

Classic Kung-Fu Fighting Movies - Bruce Lee: Fist Of Fear, Touch Of Death / Fists Of Bruce Lee / Bruce Lee Fights Back From The Grave
3 Great Movies on 1 DVD. Star Power, Exciting Genre with Extras on each DVD.
Customer Review: Bruce Lee Returns
If your a Bruce Lee fan this movie is for you. I was in my early 20's when these Bruce Lee films were popular so compared to what todays viewers are used to seeing these could seem almost comical and at the very least very primitive. But in their day these Bruce Lee films were must see by his fans,so great was his popularity. In the 1970's anything with Bruce was worth the price for a double feature Kung Fu Fest at the local drive-in movie theater. Lucky for us "Enter the Dragon" was made before his passing and showed what he could do in a "Western Type" movie. These movies were fun to watch and Bruce Lee is a great as ever.
Customer Review: Total TRASH! Don't even think about wasting your money!!
The 1st "movie": Fist of Fear, Touch of Death is so bad I didn't even watch the next 2. The uninitiated will possibly not know that the footage that purports to be about Bruce's life, family and ancestry is all rubbish and was actually taken from 2 different movies: The ancestors "cuts" in color are from a colossally poor period piece that would be funny if it didn't seem to be taking itself seriously. While the black and white parents-and-family "cuts" actually are truly a young Bruce in a Hong Kong film that he made before returning to the U.S. to live. However the scenario is totally misrepresented. All of the other participants are actors as well and not correctly identified. Nor is the dubbed dialog related to what is really being spoken (in Cantonese) by the actors. Yet a third source is tapped for the "supposed interviews" which are not with the speaker at all, but with someone else regarding the work Bruce did on the "Longstreet" TV show in '71 and once again the voice-over not only is not really Bruce and is again, not accurate (and he was speaking English during those interviews). One would be better served to buy the "Legend" DVD from the -Bruce Lee Master Collection- or the more recent "Bruce Lee: The Warrior's Journey" to see and hear in Bruce's own words and voice what the NON-"What's Up Tiger-Lily" version is of the early Hong Kong (black and white) and what the "Longstreet" interviews have to reveal about him. If this is meant to be a spoof and they just forgot to mention that anywhere, then shame on them. I don't find it even remotely humorous, not to consider the generations of people who might not know any better since his untimely death 32 years ago.

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