Thursday 9 April 2009

Greyfriars Bobby

Greyfriars Bobby
Studio: Buena Vista Home Video Release Date: 01/11/2008
Customer Review: Wonderful
This is a wonderful family film. I saw the Bobby statue when I was in Edinburgh in 1994. Heartwarming story!
Customer Review: Buried in the depths of my past-I was just there.
I have three Scotish surnames in my ancestry. So I could not pass up a tour to see the British Isles this past summer with our church choir. The trip finale was to sing in the magnificent St. Giles Cathedral just a block or so down from Greyfriar's courtyard and Abbey. The impressive Scotish National Museum is just across the street. A statue errected to Bobbie is in the fork in the street just in front of two businesses named for the beloved animal. Inside the wrought iron gates is Bobbie's grave site and a walk down to the right is John Grey's grave stone paid for by "the American friends of Greyfriar's Bobbie". It is coming close to half a century ago when I saw the disney movie. I have to admit that it was the most touching experience for me there in downtown Edinburgh. What a powerful movie for such feelings to well up inside of me so many years (decades) later! I took some high definition video along the sidewalk in front of the address. I will try to post it as a video review if I can get it stepped down to a lower resolution.

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