Friday 3 July 2009

All Quiet on the Western Front (Universal Cinema Classics)

All Quiet on the Western Front (Universal Cinema Classics)
If a classic movie can be measured by the number of indelible images it burns into the collective imagination, then All Quiet on the Western Front's status is undisputed. Since its release in 1930 (and Oscar win for best picture), this film's saga of German boys avidly signing up for World War I battle--and then learning the truth of war--has been acclaimed for its intensity, artistry, and grown-up approach. Director Lewis Milestone's technical expertise is already stunning in the great opening sequence, as a professor exhorts his students to volunteer for the glory of the Fatherland while troops march past the windows. Erich Maria Remarque's novel is faithfully followed, but Milestone's superbly composed frames make it physical: the first battle scene, with the camera prowling the trenches as they fill with death and chaos, was surely the Saving Private Ryan of its day. The cast is strong, with little-known Lew Ayres finding stardom in the lead (Ayres became a pacifist and conscientious objector during World War II; although he served in battle as a medic, the stance harmed his career). This DVD has no extras beyond a vintage re-release trailer and Robert Osborne's useful introduction, but the main draw is the excellent picture and sound quality of the print--the movie looks better than it has in years. Those indelible images are now clear enough to cut glass: Ayres' lonely look back at the disappearing troop truck; the blinded soldier who runs into enemy fire at night; the fine pair of boots wasted on a boy with an amputated leg; and the final, devastating seconds, arguably the defining cinematic image of war in the 20th century. --Robert Horton
Customer Review: 3.5 stars out of 4
The Bottom Line: A compelling adaptation of Remarque's classic novel, All Quiet on the Western Front offers striking images--including battle scenes that look great today--and a wonderful ending that perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the book.
Customer Review: War/Antiwar
I have read the story both in English and in German. It is a classic tale describing the uselessness of warfare from the viewpoint of the soldier who is caught in the middle between two warring nations and/or cultures. He, as does most everyone, wants to be a hero, but what is heroic when you are cold, wet, and hungry. His death came, although the movie doesn't make this clear, after World War I is over. In reply to a dispatch from Berlin asking how things were came the answer: "All (is) quiet on the Western Front." The movie does a fairly good bringing out Remarque's intent. Very similar in theme to "The Red Badge of Courage."

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