Friday 17 April 2009

Swimmy... and More Classic Leo Lionni Stories (Scholastic Video Collection)

Swimmy... and More Classic Leo Lionni Stories (Scholastic Video Collection)
SWIMMY: Swimmy meets a group of small fish who are scared to swim in the ocean. Can Swimmy think up with a plan to help the fish? FREDERICK: While other mice are gathering food for the winter, Frederick sits on the stone wall. When the dreary weather comes and the food runs out, it's Frederick who saves the day. FISH IS FISH: When Fish's friend, the tadpole, becomes a frog and leaves the pond to explore the world, Fish decides that maybe he doesn't have to remain in the pond either. What will Fish do? IT'S MINE: Three selfish frogs bicker all day long. It's mine! It's mine! It's mine! But a bad storm and a big brown toad help them realize that sharing is much more fun. CORNELIUS: Unlike other crocodiles, Cornelius walks upright, does tricks and sees things no other crocodile can. What will Cornelius' crocodile friends think?
Customer Review: Great Video
My 2 year old son loves this DVD and decided to bring it to his friend's house. His friend is handicapped and she loves the DVD as well. It is calm and true to the stories and didn't over stimulate them. Both of them watched the DVD and enjoyed the stories and music. I am buying her one so she can have her own copy. GREAT DVD! Highly recommend!
Customer Review: Even mom loves this dvd....
After reading these reviews I wanted to watch this and see if I liked it enough to add it to our Scholastic Video Collection. I got it on inter-library loan and I just love it. It's one of my favorite Scholastic Video Collection dvd's. There are quite a lot of short stories on this one. Swimmy, Frederick, Fish is Fish, It's Mine! and Cornelius are all Leo Lionni stories. They all have similar artwork, which is very colorful and stunning. The animation is great. In Swimmy, some of the fish almost sparkle and are psychedelic-like. I hear lots of oohs and aahs. It's very nice to watch and my 4 year old enjoys the stories. The bonus stories are Each Peach, Pear, Plum (which is kind of a look and find story with no animation. I'm not too crazy that there is a witch in the story), Hush Little Baby (no animation and it's not read but sung) and my daughter's absolute favorite, Let's Give Kitty a Bath. This one is live-action with no dialog. She could watch this Kitty story over and over and over (the other day she did). I admit, it is quite cute. After watching this dvd just one time I ordered it on-line immediately. I know we'll enjoy having it as part of our Scholastic collection. A real winner!

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