Saturday 6 June 2009

Ultimate Tornado Experience, Volume 3

Ultimate Tornado Experience, Volume 3
Customer Review: a good film
This video has a ton of footage (it's two hours), all of which is pretty dramatic as well as spectacular. The only things I didn't like about it, though, were that in many cases they only showed the footage of, for example, a guy and his family watching a tornado coming closer and closer to their home, then at the last minute the one with the camera runs to shelter and ... that's it. You don't get to see what happens, i.e. what everything looked like afterwards. It just jumps to the next clip. And, I thought the corny music used durning parts of the film really detracted from an otherwise great collection of footage.
Customer Review: Another in a series of the best videos on tornados ever.
If you've ever wanted to know what makes tornados tick, then you need to get this video and the two released before it. Far beyond just a collection of "Chaser Videos", the group who produced this video- THE TORNADO PROJECT want you to understand as much about tornados as possible. While the footage that is shown is probably the best quality I have seen, it is the narration and the information that really makes them great. From how they form to how they are predicted to the usually forgotten about until it strikes your own home devistation left by tornados. Sure they are cool to watch, and that is part of the tape, but you also get "the rest of the story" to borrow from commontator Paul Harvey. I highly recommend all videos produced by The Tornado Project including this one.

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