Saturday 21 March 2009

Daisy Kenyon (Fox Film Noir)

Daisy Kenyon (Fox Film Noir)
Studio: Tcfhe Release Date: 03/11/2008 Run time: 99 minutes Rating: Nr
Customer Review: For Crawford fans only !
This so-so film is absolutely not a film noir and is boring and silly. I give two stars simply because it has Dana Andrew in it. I cannot stand Crawford but Her fans will love it ! I thought Andrew and Fonda could save it.....NOPE !
Customer Review: Crawford
Joan ,Joan. This movie is so Joan Crawford . She was so beautiful . I especially like the men in her life. I liked how different they were ,yet how so a like .This film has everything from child abuse to the triangular love affair.Through it all Daisy remains her strong independent self.

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