Sunday 2 August 2009

Going My Way (Universal Cinema Classics)

Going My Way (Universal Cinema Classics)
A kindly priest sent to save a financially ailing church turns the boys into a choir & writes them a hit song. Studio: Uni Dist Corp. (mca) Release Date: 02/06/2007 Starring: Bing Crosby Rise Stevens Run time: 126 minutes Rating: Nr
Customer Review: Going My Way is a home run!!
Ok, it is an old movie and in Black and White. But you must see this movie for what it is, a time when things were quiet and peaceful. When a community was very close and the priest, the school and the church were the focal points of that community. This is an excellent movie about a time that is no longer with us. Bing Crosby is top notch with a great cast. Relax and let this take you back in time for just a little while. Both of my kids loved this movie and there was no way that I thought that they would. No non-stop action or big budget special effects, just a very captivating movie. Do not forget or pass up this type of movie.
Customer Review: Timeless treasure warms a cold winter's night.
I was so happy to find this gem on Amazon, as it has been increasingly difficult to find the last couple of years on television. (Even at Christmas!) This film, along with it's sequel "The Bells of St. Mary's" will warm the heart of anyone who ever attended Parochial school, or even CCD classs back in the 40's,50's, or early 60's. Bing Crosby is magnificent as Fr. O'Malley, the young priest sent to help a pastor and parish in dire financial straits. Barry Fitzgerald will steal your heart as the crusty old Monsignor with a little boy's charm. Some musical numbers by Bing and a boy's choir, a bit of opera from the Met, and a generous sprinkling of the blarney make this movie a feel-good experience right up to the heartwarming ending. This old chestnut will bring a smile to the face, a tear to the eye, and a warm glow to the heart. Curl up on the sofa on a cold winter's night with this bit of entertainment from a time gone by. Boy, did they know how to make 'em back then.

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