Saturday 15 August 2009

The Time Machine (Movie Tie-In)

The Time Machine (Movie Tie-In)
From one of the most renowned authors of both 19th- and 20th-century literature, H.G. Wells: the story of The Time Traveler and his adventures in a distant future where humanity has evolved into two distinct races...
Customer Review: A Timeless Classic
When I was in high school I often avoided delving into the classics opting for efficiency resulting in free time in lieu of poring over pages of prose. But as an adult (with too much time on planes and trains) I have had the opportunity to revisit the classics and so far (and by far) The Time Machine is my favorite book. There are three areas in which this book excels that I feel are worthwhile: 1. Style. I often found myself reading and re-reading the same pages over and over again to take in what Wells was saying. The words on the page come alive in a way that many others fail to accomplish. The book isn't the easiest to get through at times but whizzes by in other sections. 2. The Story. I thoroughly enjoyed the story. While Wells does not develop the characters deeply you instantly feel like you know them, understand their motivations, and want them to find happiness. For such a short tale with little backstory the characters really come alive. 3. The birth of sci-fi. Wells may not have been the very first author of science fiction but the concept of time travel as epitomized with this book has become legend of itself. Wells did not have endless Hollywood fare or other literature to draw upon but found a creative way to express such a compelling concept. Kudos to Wells. Overall, I highly recommend this book. It may not be for everyone because Wells has a unique style so if you're looking for a quick read to kill time this may not be for you. But if you want a book that provides an experience and takes you to another place this is a great read.
Customer Review: a great book!!!!
At first, when I saw this book, I thought it would be boring and incomprehensible. I was very wrong and it turned out to be a very interesting and dramatic book with a dark view of what the world was turning into. The Time Traveler goes into thousands of years into the future and meets 2 races, the eloi and the morlocks. The book wasn't very hard to read, contrary to what some people said, and I'm only 12. The ending was kind of sad and bleak, but other than that this book is fantastic! I would recommend it for more older kids though.

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