Thursday 12 February 2009

The Little Princess

The Little Princess
Studio: Gaiam Americas Release Date: 08/13/2002
Customer Review: What's On Tap
Long before the 1995 remake supplanted the legendary Shirley Temple in the minds of young audiences; The Little Princess was a 1939 story set in Victorian England and starring the Academy Award winning actress. As a timeless story (now eighty years old) of perseverance in the face of adversity, the Little Princess evokes a full range of emotions rarely seen in modern cinema. You'll tear up as a young Shirley is forced from her home, but you'll laugh and smile during the film's dancing (Shirley is quite an accomplished tap dancer) and singing routines. Film historians may delight to note that this was (to the best of my knowledge) the first Technicolor film that Temple starred in, and it noticeably shows, particularly when compared to some of Shirley's earlier works that have been newly colorized by classic film studio, Legend Films. Nevertheless, the Depression-era presentation conveys a strong sense of the film's place within time, contributing a wonderfully nostalgic quality to the overall experience.
Customer Review: As a kid...
The Little PrincessAs a kid I would watch this movie over and over again on VHS. It has been about 21 years since I saw it and I am thoroughly impressed with the masterful acting and song in this movie. Child actors today don't have the acting talent or musical ability of Shirley Temple.

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